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At CamTESOL in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on February 23, 2008, I presented ten roles for a global Language teacher under the title "From Classroom View to Global View." The slides and notes for the presentation are here. You'll need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view this file. You can download it here. Look for "Adobe Reader®" for a free download.
At AsiaTEFL in Beijing, China, on November 6, 2005, Michael Stout and I presented a summary of a process for revising or creating a language program entitled "A Model for Program Development." The slides we used for the presentation are here. If you would like further amplification of the model, please see my presentation below: Program Revision/Creation. In the near future, I'll be adding some more information about this topic. You'll need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view these files. You can download it here. Look for "Adobe Reader®" for a free download.
At Omiya JALT on January 9, 2005, I presented a process for revising or creating a program entitled "Program Revision/Creation." The slides I used for the presentation are here. I have also included a bibliography showing some of the resources for the presentation. You'll need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view these files. You can download it here. Look for "Adobe Reader®" for a free download.
At JALT 2001, Larry Cisar and I presented an outline of or work at Kanto Gakuen University entitled "Managing the Odyssey: Creating Unity in Diversity." Take a look at the viaual aids we used. If you want to know more, contact either Larry or me. You'll need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to read this file. You can download it here. Look for "Adobe Reader®" for a free download.
Please look at the foils for Make Your Own Web-Based CALL Program, the presentation which Larry Cisar and I did at Korea TESOL on September, 30, 2000. There are also two activities which the participants designed.
On November 4, 2000, we did the same presentation at JALT 2000 in Shizuoka. The participants put together four exercises. Please take a look at them.
On January 14, 2001, we did the same presentation at Omiya JALT. During the presentation, the participants assembled an exercise. Look at that exercise in three different forms.
Kanto Gakuen welcomed JALTCALL 2001 to the University on May 26 and 27, 2001. You can get information about the conference at JALTCALL's web page.

Last updated: March 21, 2008

Send me your comments by email. My email address is: dgossman@kanto-gakuen.ac.jp

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