Make Your Own Web-Based CALL Program. On this page, you can take a look at the foils we used and see the two activities which participants developed. |
Title page | |
Agenda | |
Why Web-Based CALL? | |
Parameters, part 1 | |
Parameters, part 2 | |
Implementation | |
Maintenance | |
Future of Web-Based CALL | |
Conclusion | |
Contacts |
Code Chart | |
The Programs | |
Word Dragon | |
Aardvark | |
Hot Potatoes |
This Word Dragon exercise was designed by Aarno and John Baker. (I'm not completely sure of the identification of Aarno, so if you know who this person is, please let me know. |
This Word Dragon exercise was designed at Korea TESOL 2000. Would the designer please let me know his or her identification so I can include it here. |
This exercise was prepared with Hot Potatoes Version 4. Mistakes in spelling are from the original notes!!! |
This exercise was prepared with Hot Potatoes Version 3. Version Three of Hot Potatoes allowed us to include a false choice as a distractor. |
This exercise was prepared with Word Dragon More items were prepared, but Word Dragon only allows 8 items for a single exercise. |
This exercise uses Hot Potatoes v 3. It tests the use of Japanese as choices in the answer field. You must turn on the "Japanese Auto-detect" function in the "View" menu of Netscape to see the Japanese. Not sure what the settings for Microsoft's Internet Explorer are. |
This exercise was prepared with Word Dragon. | |
This exercise was prepared with Hot Potatoes Version 5 Beta 4. | |
WARNING!This exercise was prepared with Hot Potatoes 5 Beta 4. Needs Netscape 6 or Internet Explorer 5. |