Dann's Wood-working Information Center
Computer Table
At the beginning of May, 1999, our friends wanted to build a computer desk for their daughter. After we finished, I jumped up on the desk to demonstrate just how strong it really was as my wife and our friend stood by. It took us just one day of work.
The legs are 75mm square and about 750mm high. The four corners of each leg have a 10mm bevel from top to bottom. The top and bottom edges are beveled about 5mm.
The top is a sheet of laminated pine 750mm wide, 30mm thick and 1800mm long. The corners were broken with a 1/2 inch rounding over bit on the top and a 1/4 inch rounding over bit on the bottom. It gives the edge a comfortable feel.
All the cross braces are standard US dimensioned pine 1X4's. There are four front-to-back braces and three lateral cross pieces.
Each cross-piece connects at both ends by an 8mm threaded rod set through holes with adjusting nuts in a "D" shaped opening. The visible end of the rod uses an acorn nut and a washer.
It takes about 10 minutes to knock the table down or re-assemble it. My friend finished it with varnish. It looks good and works well.

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Wheel Jig

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Last Updated: May 7 5, 2003